I am impressed with how much my confidence with the Arduino has been built over time, PComp used to be scary but now, if I have to, I will start my circuits all over again.

Talking about circuit it seems that again, there was a little mishap with the lab’s pictorial diagram and one of the reasons why the circle wasn’t disappearing with the button being pressed was because in the diagram although digital pin2 was connected to the both the button and ground, one of the button’s leg wasn’t connected to power.


Also in the code the InString was empty so we filled as inData and made it global value.





The flow control call and response lab helped smooth out the circle’s coordinates, for example before the circle would go from one extreme to the other but now it was easier to see it travelled through the canvas. It was still a little shaky because of the potentiometer so I had to push them down to see a more smooth transition.

serial.print(’x’) gives back empty basket to fill in with the values received from inString if true.